
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Here's a link to that new movie about tracking.... just in case anyone was interested. haha

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Gasland Quote

I just finished rewatching Gasland, and I pulled this great quote from John Fentons, the farmer from Wyoming, who says:
This is my way of life, you know. My father and my grandfather were old time cowboys, you know. And my grandfather on my mom's side were farmers in Nebraska. This is my family heritage, you know. This is our family farm. We're proud of this. But, by god, if your way of life is being besieged, and your health is under attack, I don't know what else you can do. I don't know where else I can go... The biggest thing I want people to know is you're not alone if this is happening to you. I'm in the same boat as you are. And what we need to do is we need to get together and we need to stand up, and we need to speak with a unified voice and we need to stand up to these assholes.
If you want to find the original source, he starts at around 42:30 into the movie, in the "Easter in Wyoming" chapter.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Group viewing/discussion of gasland

Hi, does anyone want to get together to watch Gasland again? If we have a group, we can use the presentation room in Leavey. I've already reserved it for Saturday from 7-9 pm.
Group 2-Change

Evolutionary changes: Change in the environment over time: toxic in the ground water and air, many animals suffer drinking the toxic water.
If the animals continue drinking water that contains poisonous fracking chemicals, then human will easily get poisons from consuming the products from those animals.
If they continue this practice around the human neighborhood, we can easily see great changes in human health. 
Chemicals alter genes in humans/plants/animals and pass down through generations the mutations
Epidemic of diseases among organisms living around the area, area may no longer be inhabited
Revolutionary changes: A process of getting more people to recognize the problem and fight against the fracking industry by using social medias, it could be a revolutionary change.
Different generations and populations have different views toward the practice. First, natural gas is clean and necessary for country if it want to become independent in natural resources (energy). Second, method of obtaining natural gas need to be carefully regulated by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Industrialization, larger oil supplies, new techniques of extracting oil
Growth/ Decay: Fracking chemicals is likely to become more dangerous as the fracking industries continue to expand their practices.

Ground water is connected to the river; therefore, it could lead to many other environmental problems within human and non-human communities.

Chemical imbalance in soil due to ground water

Fracking growing (to oil companies), but the idea is decaying (to US residents)

Problem likely to become more serious

Privacy, Heritage, Industrialization, Unlimited Opportunities, Property, Personal belief, Individualism, Justice Inequality, Future orientation, Directness/Honesty, Patriotism, Money, Activism, Human health, human rights

                                           --Victoria, Christina, Tony, and Chris               

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Group 3---Form/Structure

This is what I have and maybe you guys can add stuff to this post.

Form/ Structure:

Signing the contracts with the drilling companies:
                   Superficial: personal profits
                   Deep: continuity of family traditions, land ownership, relationship with "distant" people            and local people

Fighting with the majority:
                  Superficial: individualism, justice
                  Deep:  freedom, citizenship, rights and occupation

Gas wells:
                   Superficial: personal values vs. national profits, hierarchy
                   Deep: social needs, modifying nature, land ethics


Family value, tradition, heritage, staying connected with ancestors
The Frontier Spirit
National identity
"American Dream"
Community, relationship with others
Civic rights

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Group 4- Contrast

trust vs. skepticism/protection
acknowledged authority/power vs. individual activism
majesty/love of country vs. commodity/economical resources
community vs. exploitation
tradition vs. innovation
public curiosity vs. corporate secrets
natural gas access vs. groundwater contamination
maximum efficiency/production vs. safety of residents/nature
All of the real chemicals used vs. what the companies say they use
Nature activists vs. drilling companies

Those who aren’t affected by the effects vs those who are
Those who do not experience fracking, only see as another source
Human decency vs. personal gain
Big guy vs. little guy
Public lands vs. private hands
Use value vs. exchange value
Moral assumptions vs. corporate detachment

Personal identity
Family heritage
New Life
Manifest destiny
Competition/ free-for-all
- Katie Larson, Kent Oya, Jared Ong-Siong